any imperial property (that is , items privately owned by the imperial house ) or other cultural assets under the purview of the imperial household agency (like those in the imperial household archives , the museum of the imperial collections , in their kyoto office , or in the shosoin office of the imperial household agency ) are excluded , under the law for the protection of cultural properties , from consideration and cannot be designated national treasures , important cultural properties , historical landmarks , or special historical landmarks . 御物(ぎょぶつ、皇室の私有品)および宮内庁(書陵部、三の丸尚蔵館、京都事務所、正倉院事務所)管理の文化財は文化財保護法による国宝、重要文化財、史跡、特別史跡等の指定の対象外となっている。